REGULAR MEETING 12:00 NOON November 20, 2003


Scott County Administrative Center
428 Western Avenue
1st Floor
Board Room
Davenport, Iowa 52801


Dr. Keppy, Dr. Sunderbruch, Dr. Hanson, Mrs. Coiner, Dr. Garvin


Larry Barker, Carol Schnyder, Mary Helfrich, Larry Linnenbrink, Karen Payne, Pam Calvert, Jane Mockmore, Roma Taylor, Amy Thoreson, JaNan Less, Stuart Scott


Sandra Potter Marquardt, Denise Schrader, Reed Taylor, Linda Rymars

Dr. Keppy, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 12:00 Noon. The Recording Secretary took the roll call. All members were present with the exception of Dr. Garvin, who arrived at 12:04 p.m.

Dr. Sunderbruch moved to approve the agenda as amended. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Mrs. Coiner moved to approve the minutes of the October 16, 2003, Board Meeting as received. Motion seconded by Dr. Hanson. Motion carried unanimously.

Larry Barker recognized employees for their anniversary for years of service:

Larry Barker reported that he has 27 years of service.

Dr. Sunderbruch moved to send a letter to the Scott County Board of Supervisors and also former Board of Health Chair, Charlotte Mohr, recognizing them for their efforts in passing a Scott County Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy. The new policy replaces the previous policy adopted in 1994 that prohibited smoking within County-owned buildings and vehicles, but did not place a restriction on other forms of tobacco use and made no reference to tobacco use only in designated areas. Motion seconded by Dr. Hanson. Motion carried unanimously.

The following reports were reviewed and discussed by the Board:

1. Director’s Report of October - November, 2003, activities.

Roma Taylor introduced her son, Reed to the Board. In his American Government Class he is required to attend a public meeting and chose to attend the Board of Health Meeting. The Board welcomed him to the meeting.

Roma Taylor reported to the Board that on November 5, 2003, a Red Ribbon Awards ceremony luncheon took place. Stuart Scott was nominated in the category of "In Your Own Backyard" for his outstanding work in providing HIV/STD education and prevention to the Quad Cities’ African-American community (and the QC community at large) over the past ten years. Roma presented the award to Stuart and asked the Board to join her in congratulating him for receiving the 2003 Red Ribbon "In Your Own Backyard" award. The Board congratulated Stuart on the award and his hard work.

Larry Barker reported that he and staff are in the process of putting together the Department budget for FY’05.

Larry Barker reported that Denny Coon and Karen Payne recently completed nine months of leadership training as part of the University of Iowa Center for Public Health Preparedness.

Larry Barker reported that the Board of Supervisors had individuals attend a recent Board Meeting with concerns about vicious animals running at large in the County. The Health Department was asked to review the present County Animal Control Ordinance with the Sheriff and County Attorney’s Offices to see if changes were needed. That was done and it was determined that no changes were necessary at the present time, but that the Health Department would continue to monitor the situation and provide a quarterly report with the help of the Sheriff’s Office on reported animals running loose in Scott County.

Dr. Hanson expressed concern over the Marin County survey that they were asked to fill out. She felt that the survey was confusing and didn’t feel that any useful feedback would be received.

Roma Taylor gave the Board an update on Pertussis and other Communicable Diseases reported in the past month.

Dr. Sunderbruch complimented staff on their report on the 2003 HIV Conference.

Dr. Sunderbruch asked if the Board could take a tour of the Jail. Larry Barker will set up a time and advise the Board.

2. Core Public Health Activity Report for the month of October, 2003.

3. Budget Report for the month of October, 2003.

Following discussion, Dr. Sunderbruch moved to approve the claims. Motion seconded by Dr. Garvin. Motion carried unanimously.

4. Sandra Potter Marquardt was present to update the Board on Empowerment activities. The Board asked a number of questions with regard to the Empowerment Program.

Dr. Sunderbruch requested the Empowerment Board to consider adding to their vision statement. "Iowa’s Vision – "Every child, beginning at birth will be healthy and successful" (Because we are teaching and helping parenting).

5. Maternal & Child Health Grant and Tobacco Grant Program report for the months of October, 2003.

6. Homeland Security Planning Report.

7. This month’s Board of Health Program Orientation was on the Food Service Program Temporary Food Stands, presented by Karen Payne, Environmental Health Specialist.

Dr. Hanson moved to approve all the reports. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Dr. Keppy asked for Public Comment. There was no one present who wished to make any comments.

At 12:30 p.m., Linda Rymars from the Genesis Cancer Program gave the Board a presentation on the Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program funded by a Federal Grant through the Scott County Health Department via the Iowa Department of Public Health.

Following discussion, Dr. Sunderbruch moved to approve and authorize the Director to sign the (28E) Agreement between the City of LeClaire, Iowa and the Scott County Health Department for the purpose of limiting the number of possible sources of groundwater receptors in the City of LeClaire. Motion seconded by Dr. Hanson. Motion carried unanimously.

Following discussion, Dr. Garvin moved to approve and authorize the Director to sign the I-4 Grant application and subsequent contract and amendments with the Iowa Department of Public Health and any subcontracts and amendments for calendar year 2004. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Following discussion, Dr. Hanson moved to approve and authorize the Director to sign the HIV Testing & Counseling Grant application and subsequent contract and amendments with the Iowa Department of Public Health and any subcontracts and amendments for calendar year 2004. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Following discussion, Dr. Hanson moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Amendment # 1 to the FY’04 Local Public Health Services Contract and subcontract. Motion seconded by Dr. Garvin. Motion carried unanimously.

Following discussion, Dr. Garvin moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Amendment # 1 to the FY’04 Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Grant Contract with the Iowa Department of Public Health. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Dr. Keppy reported that he received a letter from the State regarding the "Lighten Up Iowa" Program. Larry Barker said that if any of the Board members wished to participate in the program, they could be incorporated in the Department program.

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 1:18 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Mary Helfrich
Recording Secretary