REGULAR MEETING 12:00 NOON February 20, 2003

MEETING HELD AT: Scott County Bicentennial Building
428 Western Avenue
6th Floor
Room 605 A & B
Davenport, Iowa 52801

ROLL CALL: Dr. Sunderbruch, Mrs. Mohr, Mrs. Coiner, Dr. Garvin

STAFF: Larry Barker, Al Moore, Mary Helfrich, Amy Thoreson, Jim Hagerman, Carol Schnyder, Janice Colburn,
Larry Linnenbrink, JaNan Less, Karen Payne, Roma Taylor, Dennis Coon, Jackie Hall

OTHERS: Priscilla Smith, Maureen Sedlacek, Lisa Carson, Trudy Watson

Mrs. Mohr, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 12:00 Noon. The Recording Secretary took the roll call. All members were present with the exception of Dr. Garvin, who arrived at 12:04 p.m., and Dr. Keppy, who was out of town.

Mrs. Coiner moved to approve the Agenda, as received. Motion seconded by Dr. Sunderbruch. Motion carried unanimously.

Dr. Sunderbruch moved to approve the minutes of the January 16, 2003, Board Meeting as received. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

The following reports were reviewed and discussed by the Board:

    1. Director’s Report of January – February, 2003, activities.

Larry Barker recognized employees for their anniversary in February for years of service:

Larry Barker reported that he, along with members of the Iowa Association of Local Public Health Agencies (I-ALPHA), met with Dr. Gleason, Governor's Vilsack's Chief of Staff to discuss the appointment of a new Director for the Iowa Department of Public Health. Twenty applications were received; five were interviewed; and two names were submitted to the Governor for consideration. The Governor is expected to make a decision by the end of February.

Larry Barker reported that the Board of Supervisors have completed their FY'04 budget meetings. Public Hearings on the budget will be held the last week in February. The budget will be adopted on March 11, 2003.

Larry Barker reported that staff has been working diligently on plans for Public Health Month (April). The plans includes two focuses. The first is to work with the media to do a month-long feature on Public Health in our community. The second focus is to host an Open House at the Health Department. During the Open House, there will be a variety of displays set up throughout the Department to illustrate what we do.

Larry Barker reported that the Department will be working closely with members of the State of Black Iowa Initiative. As a result of this initiative, eleven hearings will be held throughout the State of Iowa, with the hearings in Scott County on May 6th and 7th. The purpose of the hearings is multi-layered. At one level the goal is to establish a state-wide and a black county data profile regarding the health status of the black community. At another level, the goal is to identify what health services and health efforts exist, what does not exist, and what needs to exist. At the most basic level, the hope is to identify the major barriers and obstacles to black Iowans living healthy and pursuing responsible health options.

2. Core Public Health Activity Report for the month of January, 2003.

3. Budget Report for the month of January, 2003.

Following discussion, Dr. Sunderbruch moved to approve the claims. Motion seconded by Dr. Garvin. Motion carried unanimously.

Priscilla Smith was present to update the Board on Empowerment Board activities.

    1. Maternal & Child Health Program report for the month of January, 2003.
    2. Bioterrorism Preparedness Planning Report for the month of January, 2003.

Dr. Garvin moved to approve all the reports. Motion seconded by Dr. Sunderbruch. Motion carried unanimously.

Mrs. Mohr asked for Public Comment. There was no one present who wished to make any comments.

The Board discussed their letter to the County Facility and Support Services Director, regarding smoking concerns at County Building Entrances, and the response from Facility and Support Services. Larry Barker reported that a committee to address this issue has met and will be making recommendations to County Risk Management.

At 12:30 p.m., Mrs. Mohr welcomed Lisa Carson and Trudy Watson from Community Health Care, Inc., who gave a presentation to the Board on the Child Health Dental Program.

Following discussion, Dr. Garvin moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Amendment # 1 to the FFY’03 Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program Grant. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Following discussion, Dr. Garvin moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Amendment # 1 to the FFY’03 Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program Grant subcontract with Genesis Cancer Foundation. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Following discussion, Dr. Garvin moved to approve and authorize the Director to sign the EMS System Development Grant Contract in the amount of $10,000.00 for the period October 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Following discussion, Dr. Garvin moved to approve and authorize the Director to sign the 2003 I-4 Grant subcontracts with Community Health Care, Inc., and Edgerton Women's Health Center. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Following discussion, Dr. Garvin moved to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the subcontract with the Scott County EMS Association for the Public Health Preparedness and Response for Bioterrorism Grant for Scott County EMS Association Needs Assessment. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Following discussion, Dr. Garvin moved to approve and authorize the Director to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with Janan Wunsch & Associates for Technical Assistance for Scott County Health Department's Strategic Planning Process. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Jim Hagerman gave an overview to the Board of the Department's responsibility with regard to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Following discussion, Dr. Garvin moved to approve the staff educational requests. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Mrs. Mohr informed the Board of the appointment she received from the White House on a Presidential Scholarship Commission, and due to the amount of time this commitment will take, resigned from the Board of Health, effective at the end of this meeting.

Dr. Sunderbruch, on behalf of the Board and staff, thanked Mrs. Mohr for all she's done for public health the last fifteen years.

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 1:13 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

  Mary Helfrich

Recording Secretary