REGULAR MEETING 12:00 NOON January 16, 2003

Scott County Health Department
Bicentennial Building
428 Western Avenue
4th Floor
Davenport, Iowa 52801

ROLL CALL: Mrs. Mohr, Dr. Keppy, Dr. Sunderbruch, Mrs. Coiner, Dr. Garvin

STAFF: Larry Barker, Al Moore, Bonnie Harksen, Amy Thoreson, Dennis
Coon, JaNan Less, Jim Hagerman, Brian Panke, Jane Morehouse,
Roma Taylor, Larry Linnenbrink, Karen Payne, Carol Schnyder

OTHERS: Priscilla Smith, Diana Martin

Mrs. Mohr, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 12:00 Noon. The Recording Secretary took the roll call. All members were present with the exception of Dr. Garvin, who arrived at 12:28 p.m.

The first order of business was the Election of Officers for 2003.

Mrs. Mohr opened the floor for nominations.

Dr. Sunderbruch moved to retain the same slate of officers as the past year. There were no further nominations. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Therefore, Mrs. Mohr is Chairman for 2003. Dr. Keppy is Vice-Chairman for 2003. Mrs. Coiner is Secretary for 2003.

Dr. Sunderbruch introduced his guest, Diana Martin. She is a Rotary Exchange student from India, attending school at West High School, and will be in the United States for a year

Dr. Keppy moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Dr. Sunderbruch moved to approve the minutes of the December 19, 2002, Board Meeting as received. Motion seconded by Dr. Keppy. Motion carried unanimously.

The following reports were reviewed and discussed by the Board:

1. Director’s Report of December, 2002 - January, 2003, activities.

Jane Morehouse was recognized for one year of service at the Health Department.. Jane explained her duties in the Department. A discussion followed concerning the two nursing positions vacant in the department and the recruitment process to fill those positions.

Larry Barker reported on recommendations made by the Community Jail and Alternative Advisory Committee Meeting (CJAAC) to the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, January 14th. One of the report's recommendations is to increase nursing coverage at the Jail on a 24/7 basis. In the study, there is a recommendation to hire four more nurses over the next three years.

Larry Barker and Al Moore met with Greg Adamson, the new Board of Supervisor. Mr. Adamson shows an interest in the activities of the Health Department and the responsibilities of the Board of Health.

Larry Barker and the Board of Supervisors spent two days with a consultant that the County has, to develop new target issues of where the County is headed over the next two years. The jail is the major issue. From a health perspective, the Homeland and Bio-terrorism Security is another issue. Also, there was interest in where we as a County are going with West Nile Virus and how we will prepare for the upcoming year.

2. Core Public Health Activity Report for the month of December, 2002.

Al Moore reported to the Board that 206 children were seen in Lead clinics during the month of December 2002.

3. Budget Report for the month of December, 2002.

Following discussion, Dr. Keppy moved to approve the claims. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

4. Maternal & Child Health Program report of December, 2002.

Priscilla Smith was present to report on Empowerment activities. On January 10, 2003, the State Empowerment Board redesignated Scott County to be an empowerment area for the next three years. At the Empowerment Board's Annual Meeting on January 14, 2003, three people were elected to vacancies on the board. Their names are Tori Allen, Sherry Horan, and Ken Maxwell. Priscilla will be sending a report to the Board of Health on Empowerment programs and the number of children involved.

Larry Barker gave an update on the bioterrorism plan and homeland security. A considerable amount of time is being spent looking at smallpox clinics and determining individuals who need to be immunized against smallpox. Hospitals are being asked to be part of a team to go out in a crisis situation. Scott County is in Region 6 and Genesis Medical Center has indicated they are willing to be a site to put together a team. St. Luke's in Cedar Rapids, University of Iowa in Iowa City, and Mercy Hospital in Dubuque have also indicated an interest. The hospitals are now identifying staff who will participate on such teams and be able to respond in an emergency. On the bioterrorism planning side, the State has found a vendor to complete a comprehensive needs assessment with local public health, hospitals, and EMS. The vendor is TetraTec from Lenexa, Kansas. They will be going out to all of the counties to meet with appropriate players and compile information to look at the needs for homeland security and bioterrorism plans in those communities. One of the concepts of bioterrorism is that each of the six regions will have an epidemiologist to follow-up on potential cases of communicable diseases. Our region will be doing a tabletop exercise on January 30, 2003.

Mrs. Mohr asked for Public Comment. There was no one present who wished to make any comments.

Mrs. Mohr asked if anyone in the department had heard from Steve Young from the State Department of Inspections and Appeals concerning ratings on food service establishments. Al Moore stated that he missed a call from the Mr. Young's Deputy and has a letter drafted concerning the subject. Al commented that the Health Department staff had previously created an A, B, C rating system that had the approval of The Mississippi Valley Restaurant Association and the Iowa Hospitality Association. However, the system was never initiated. Rather than trying to revamp the A, B, C, system, Al suggested bringing back the Health Department's recognition program where the restaurants rating in the top five to seven percent in their inspections are given a certificate. Mr. Moore will try to get in contact with Steve Young's office to set up a meeting on the subject. Mrs. Mohr feels these ratings are a good public relations item for the County.

Dr. Sunderbruch moved to approve all the reports. Motion seconded by Dr. Keppy. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board discussed the letter from Facility and Support Services that stated an ad hoc committee from the Risk Management Committee is being formed to explore smoking issues outside and around County buildings.

Larry Barker reported on the FY '04 County Budget process. The budget will be presented to the Board of Supervisors on January 30, 2003, for their input and consideration.

The Health Department has not received a budget submission from the Buffalo Ambulance Service. They have been providing service, but have had a change of management and have not been submitting paperwork needed for reimbursement of County dollars. They have not submitted a budget for next year. Larry Barker and Denny Coon have a meeting with the president on Thursday, January 23. There is a possibility that alternative services will be needed.

Dr. Garvin moved to approve all the Authorized Agency FY'04 County Budget Submissions. Motion seconded by Dr. Keppy. Motion carried unanimously.

JaNan Less did a PowerPoint presentation on the Comprehensive Assessment of Tobacco Use and Other Health Behaviors of College Students in the Quad City Area.

Motion was made by Dr. Sunderbruch to approve and authorize Chairman and Director to sign the Increasing Environmental Health Services Capacity Grant for the period January, 2003 through September, 2003 in the amount of $8,864.00. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Dr. Sunderbruch moved to approve all staff education requests. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Dr. Keppy moved to approve and authorize Chairman to sign the Memorandum of Understanding for Bio-Terrorism for the period of February 2003 through August 2005. Motion seconded by Dr. Garvin. Motion carried unanimously.

Dr. Sundbruch moved to approve and authorize Chairman to sign Public Health Preparedness and Response for Bioterrorism Grant for Scott County EMS Association Needs Assessment. Motion seconded by Dr. Keppy. Motion carried unanimously.

JaNan Less extended an invitation from Tobacco Free QC to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony for the exhibit entitled "Busy Bodies - Health Choices" at the Bettendorf Children's Museum on February 14, 2003, at 1:30 p.m.

Dr. Sunderbruch's guest, Diana Martin, commented on the meeting and would like to see JaNan Less do a presentation to the students at West High School.

Dr. Sunderbruch extended an invitation to everyone to attend his retirement at the Outing Club on January 30, 2003, from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Dr. Sundbruch has served Scott County for 66 years.

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 1:14 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


 Bonnie Harksen

Acting Recording Secretary