REGULAR MEETING 12:00 NOON March 21, 2002

MEETING HELD AT: Scott County Health Department

Bicentennial Building

428 Western Avenue

5th Floor

Davenport, Iowa 52801

ROLL CALL: Mrs. Mohr, Dr. Sunderbruch, Dr. Keppy, Dr. Garvin

Mrs. Coiner

STAFF: Larry Barker, Al Moore, Mary Helfrich, Jim Hagerman, Karen Payne, Roma Taylor, Kaarin Hunter, Denny Coon, Larry Linnenbrink, Jackie Hall

OTHERS: Mitch Tollerud

Mrs. Mohr, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 12:00 Noon. The Recording Secretary took the roll call. All members were present with the exception of Dr. Garvin, who arrived at 12:14 p.m., and Mrs. Coiner, who arrived at 12:23 p.m.

Dr. Keppy moved to approve the Agenda. Motion seconded by Dr. Sunderbruch. Motion carried unanimously.

Dr. Sunderbruch moved to approve the minutes of the January 17, 2002, Board Meeting as received. Motion seconded by Dr. Keppy. Motion carried unanimously.

The following reports were reviewed and discussed by the Board:

1. Director’s Report of January - March, 2002, activities.

Larry Barker reported that more state budget cuts will be forthcoming. These budget cuts affect the Community Services Contract Grant that we subcontract to Genesis VNA. This grant has already been reduced by 4.3%, with another 1% forthcoming, and possibly another 3% in the future.

Larry Barker reported that we have not yet received our 2002 HIV Testing & Counseling Grant contract that started in January. The State is behind and projects it will be sent out soon.

Relative to the County Budget, Larry Barker reported that many counties and cities have been hurt by the State budget cuts. However, Scott County looks to be in good shape, because they have had a financial initiative program in effect for several years.

Larry Barker reported that discussions are underway relative to autopsies being performed locally. 

Larry Barker reported that discussions are underway regarding the training of some Scott County Sheriff Department personnel being trained in death investigations.

Larry Barker reported that meetings have and are being held with Edgerton Women's Health Center to determine ways to work more closely together in new arenas.

Larry Barker reported that the Department will be re-locating to the fourth floor in June.

Roma Taylor updated the Board on the pertussis cases in Scott County. There have been fourteen cases since December, 2001.

2. Core Public Health Activity Reports for the months of January and February, 2002.

3. Budget Reports for the months of January and February, 2002.

Following discussion, Dr. Keppy moved to approve the claims. Motion seconded by Dr. Sunderbruch. Motion carried unanimously.

4. Maternal & Child Health Program report of February, 2002.

Dr. Sunderbruch moved to approve all the reports. Motion seconded by Mrs. Coiner. Motion carried unanimously.

Mrs. Mohr asked for Public Comment. There was no one present who wished to make any comments.

Mitch Tollerud, the County Webmaster, and Jim Hagerman gave a presentation to the Board on the Scott County Health Department Food Service Website. The system was developed to provide information to the public on food service and retail food store inspections.

Larry Barker discussed with the Board the Public Health Services Agreement proposed by the Iowa Department of Public Health to consolidate all grants for the county into one contract.

Larry Barker discussed with the Board the Iowa Department of Public Health's proposed bioterrorism preparedness planning.

Larry Barker reported that he has been notified by the State that the Department will be reimbursed for staff time spent on terrorism preparedness since September 11, 2001.

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 1:13 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, 

Mary Helfrich

Recording Secretary